Isabel Massey | Marketing communications in French & English
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Say hello to your French-speaking marketing consultant

Wouldn’t it be great if you could instantly count on a native French speaker whenever you have a marketing communication project that requires an excellent knowledge of the Québec market or of the French language? I am a seasoned Québec-based marketing communications professional who has helped dozens of household or B2B brand names succeed en français. You can trust me to adapt your French marketing program so that it will be flawless and bring the results you expect.

I offer personalised, independent French marketing communications advice to PR and marketing agencies or any business needing a Québec perspective but that do not have an office in la belle province.

What I do: brainstorm and research, strategy validation and adaptation, English and French copywriting, quality check and copy or translation improvements.

Ask me how I can help you meet your communications objectives in French and in English.

Marketing communications in french

We ensure that your marketing and communications are relevant and flawless in French. You meet your objectives in Québec too.

  • Advice and brainstorming to find the best approach for the Québec market
  • Campaign or concept adaptation
  • Project-management or supervision for outreaches or activities taking place in Québec
  • French copywriting
  • Marketing and PR-approved translations or translations improvement
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